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Welcome To The Front Porch Swing

WestChaseShops, used by permission

Fear and Wonder

Last week I shared that I have authored a book to be released

June 2019. Here’s the back story on how and why I wrote a book.

I have taught the importance of knowing God in a Protestant church in Ireland and at a Bible College in western Uganda. The most important questions we must face in life are “Is there a God?” and if so “What is God like?” I discovered the topic was relevant both in Roman Catholic Ireland and in Uganda, where most people claim to be Christians but many still practice native religions.

So why write a book when I could just slouch in the recliner waiting for the evening news and weather? To be honest, that’s not my lifestyle. I volunteer at a local faith-based recovery ministry where I teach every Thursday. I also preach in a rotation at a church in a resort community here in Central Oregon. Meeting with men one-on-one is a highlight in my retirement years. I also mentor a pastor of a small church where I served as the interim pastor.

So, no…my life isn’t boring. Not at all.

The passion and gift to teach God’s Word remains deeply imbedded in my soul. It was this passion that led to me to minister in Ireland and Uganda. The material I shared in these two extremely different cultures became the building blocks for Fear and Wonder. A biblical view of God is as vital in secular America as in Europe and Africa.

I shared a rough draft of the material with my dear friend, Larry Libby. Larry has been the editor for several Christian authors. Upon reading the material, Larry felt it had potential to become a book. So, I began writing the manuscript that has become the book I never intended to write.

Getting published as an unproven author can be next to impossible unless you happen to be the pastor of a mega church or have a big-time TV or radio ministry. Neither applies to me.

I assumed the book would need to be self-published. Testing the water I sent the required information about the book to two Christian Publishing Houses.

One publishing house liked the manuscript—but said my “platform was too small.” Platform is their word for the sphere of my influence.

After no response for over a month from the second publishing house I was preparing to self-publish the book. Within a week I received a response from Moody Publishers saying they were interested in the book. I am in awe and deeply humbled because Moody will provide extensive promotion that I could never have achieved as a self publisher.

Over the next few months I want to share a few concepts from the book and invite your response. Hopefully it will also tweak your interest in reading the book.

After 50-plus plus years preparing weekly sermons and Bible studies for both the local church and in academic settings, I trust God will continue using my gifts through these blogs. I may no longer be preparing a sermon every week, but I will do my best to offer food for thought and spiritual nourishment.

I invite you to join me on The Front Porch Swing. Pour yourself a cup of Joe—or a frosty glass of lemonade—as we consider these two vital questions: Is there a God? If so, what is God like?

I’m looking forward to it!

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